Our own custom designs
We build two models of mini trailers to order. Tell us how you want our basic models customized and we’ll work with you. We offer a variety of paint options: black, white, red, blue, dark green, silver, gray, cream/tan, orange and yellow.
Tilting flat bed trailer
- Good for hauling lawn mowers, ATVs, and even a few hay bales.
- No need for a separate loading ramp.
- Three stake pockets per side.
- Flat-to-the-edge bed for easy loading with a forklift.
- 6.5′ wide.
- 10′ or 12′ long.
Small livestock trailer
- Sliding rear door.
- Fully enclosed.
- 5′ wide and 8′ long.
- Optional rear loading ramp ($100).
Frame for mini trailers